Monday, November 10, 2014

Veterans Day Activities

Don't forget tomorrow is Veterans Day (Tuesday, Nov. 11). If you're in need of activities, check out my product Spend a Day Teaching About Veterans Day. It includes information that teaches about the holiday and also skill based activities that focus on ELA standards. Continue reading to take a look at all the goodies that are included. CLICK HERE to be taken directly to the product. 
Spend a Day Teaching About Veterans Day

Create a 4 page mini-book about the holiday.

Character Traits of Veterans:

Compare and Contrast: Veteran's Day and Memorial Day

Thank You Card

Fact and Opinion Sort

Word Problems

Exit Slips

All this for only $3.  CLICK HERE to be taken directly to the product. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Blogger,
    Dabbling in Differentiation has nominated you for the Liebster Award. Please go to my blogspot to check out the details of the nomination.
    Happy blogging!
